Stop Being A People Pleaser! Learn How To Set Boundaries And Say NO – Without Feeling Guilty!
Are you fed up with people taking advantage of you? Are you tired of coworkers, friends, and family members demanding your time and expecting you to give it to them?
If so, THE ART OF SAYING NO is for you.
Imagine being able to turn down requests and decline invitations with confidence and poise. Imagine saying no to people asking you for favors, and inspiring their respect in the process.
Amazon bestselling author, Damon Zahariades, provides a step-by-step, strategic guide for setting boundaries and developing the assertiveness you need to maintain them. You’ll learn how to say no in every situation, at home and in the workplace, according to your convictions. And best of all, you’ll discover how to get your friends, family members, bosses, coworkers, and neighbors to respect your boundaries and recognize your personal authority.
In THE ART OF SAYING NO, you’ll discover:
my personal struggle with being a people pleaser (and how I overcame the habit!)
the top 11 reasons we tend to say yes when we know we should say no
10 simple strategies for turning people down with finesse
why saying no to people doesn’t make you a bad person (the opposite is true!)
the best way to develop the habit of setting personal and professional boundaries
how to know whether you’re a people pleaser (and how to gauge the severity of the problem)
Productivity expert Damon Zahariades is owner of, a site devoted to showing you how to hack your day to get more things done.
He wasn’t always productive. Damon spent many years in Corporate America, dragging himself to ridiculous meetings and enduring the impromptu “drive-by” visits of his coworkers, before striking out on his own. Today, he owns his own content marketing agency and creates action guides that show others how to boost their productivity.
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